Phantastic news, Acolytes! Clutch A Kobold Story, our Magus Elgar Kickstarter, has been FULLY FUNDED! What a wonderful turnout! We here in Hearth are overwhelmed at your support and generosity.
But you should be really happy for this little guy.

This is Bark, our Kickstarter kobold. We outsourced all of our work to a single kobold, and surprisingly, that has not only been cost effective, but it's gotten by with ultimately """minor""" issues! He's very happy you helped him make a big shiny pile. But we're not done yet! We still have a long way before we hit other stretch goals, and you can still support us if you back us. We can get up to TEN Episodes, if you manage to help us hit our stretch goals. All we need is more #Koboldfrens. So please share the kickstarter if you have already backed us! You might be able to get a new shiny pin set if we hit 30k! Back our Kickstarter!

Thank you all for being so supportive, Acolytes and Koboldfrens.